Wikipedia - Paris Musketeers

The Paris Musketeers are an American football team in Paris, France, that plays in the European League of Football (ELF) in the Western Conference.


The long awaited Paris franchise was announced on 23 September 2022 via a press statement, together with the Prague Lions for the 2023 European League of Football expansion. The team is owned and operated by the capital group named Les Mousquetaires de Paris and is based in Rosny-sous-Bois, eastern of Paris. General manager is former NFL-Player Marc-Angelo Soumah and Frantzy Dorlean is the inaugural president of the franchise. Further stakeholders are Patrick Butler, CFL Grey Cup winner Jason Johnson and John McKeon, all operating as directors. The team name Saints, logo and colors of the franchise were unveiled on 23 January 2023. In the meantime, they were known as Paris Football Team. On the 27 February 2023, the organization announced, that they have changed their official name into Musketeers.

First head coach of the franchise will be former Vanderbilt Commodores' defensive secondary coach Marc Mattioli.

The first ever recruitment camp of the team was organized on 20 November 2022 with around 240 French and international players in attendance. Shortly after the first players were announced with French nationals Mamadou Sy and Mamadou Doumbouya, both having their origins from the national league champion La Courneuve Flash. Further building blocks of the roster consists of the first ever franchise quarterback Zach Edwards, coming from the Barcelona Dragons.

Os Paris Saints são uma equipe de futebol americano sediada em Paris, França. Fundada em 2010, a equipe rapidamente se tornou uma força a ser reconhecida no cenário do futebol americano europeu. Com uma combinação de talento local e jogadores internacionais, os Paris Saints conquistaram vários títulos e são conhecidos por seu estilo de jogo agressivo e apaixonado. Com uma base de fãs dedicada e uma atmosfera eletrizante em seus jogos em casa, os Paris Saints são uma equipe que sempre busca a vitória e representa com orgulho a cidade de Paris no mundo do futebol americano.