Wikipedia - Oval Invincibles

Oval Invincibles is a franchise 100-ball cricket side based in South London. The team represents the historic counties of Surrey and Kent in the newly founded The Hundred competition, which took place for the first time during the 2021 English and Welsh cricket season. Both the men's side and the women's side plays at The Oval.


The announcement of the new eight-team men's and women's tournament series in 2019 was not without controversy, with the likes of Virat Kohli criticising the England and Wales Cricket Board for pursuing a shift away from Test cricket, while others argued the format should have followed the established and successful Twenty20 format. The ECB however decided it needed a more unique format to draw crowds.

In August 2019, the side announced that Australian coach Tom Moody would be the men's team's first coach, while former England Women player Lydia Greenway was appointed coach of the Women's team.

The inaugural Hundred draft took place in October 2019 and saw the Invincibles claim Sam Curran as their headline men's draftee, and Laura Marsh as the women's headliner. They were joined by England internationals Tom Curran and Jason Roy for the men's team, while Fran Wilson joined Marsh in the women's side.

Os Oval Invincibles são uma equipe de críquete de renome, conhecida por sua habilidade excepcional e desempenho imbatível no campo. Com uma formação de jogadores talentosos e dedicados, os Oval Invincibles são temidos por seus adversários e admirados por seus fãs. Com uma história rica em conquistas e vitórias, esta equipe é verdadeiramente invencível no mundo do críquete. Seus jogadores são conhecidos por sua técnica impecável, espírito de equipe e determinação inabalável, tornando-os uma força a ser reconhecida no esporte. Os Oval Invincibles são verdadeiros campeões do críquete e continuam a inspirar gerações de jogadores com seu talento e paixão pelo jogo.