Wikipedia - Women's T20 Challenge

The Women's T20 Challenge was an Indian women's cricket Twenty20 tournament that was held between 2018 and 2022. The tournament featured three teams, playing a round-robin group followed by a final. IPL Supernovas were the most successful team in the history of the tournament, with three title wins.

The tournament was replaced by a new franchise-based annual T20 tournament, the Women's Premier League, which began in 2023.


The idea for a women's version of the Indian Premier League was suggested after the 2017 Women's Cricket World Cup, where the India women's national cricket team finished second. The tournament was first introduced in 2018, as a single match held in Mumbai prior to one of the men's matches. The match featured teams named IPL Trailblazers and IPL Supernovas. In 2019, the Women's T20 Challenge was expanded to a three team tournament instead of a one-off match, with a new team called IPL Velocity competing alongside the IPL Trailblazers and IPL Supernovas, in a round-robin format with the top two teams progressing to the final. The 2020 event was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and held in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, alongside the rearranged men's IPL.

In November 2020, Board of Control for Cricket in India president Sourav Ganguly suggested an expansion of the Women's T20 Challenge to 7 or 8 teams in 2022. There were suggestions of adding a fourth team for the 2021 season, but this was decided against due to the ongoing issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2021 event was postponed along with the men's IPL, with no indication of a date for the women's event being played. It was not held at the same time as the rearranged men's event, as the dates clashed with India women's tour of Australia. In March 2022, the BCCI announced plans to start a women's IPL by 2023, with five or six teams in the inaugural edition. The 2022 event took place in May 2022, to coincide with the playoffs of the men's IPL.

In March 2022, BCCI announced a new franchise-based annual T20 tournament starting in 2023 to replace the Women's T20 Challenge, which was later named the Women's Premier League.

O torneio de críquete "Críquete" na Índia é um evento esportivo emocionante que reúne os melhores jogadores de críquete do país. O críquete é um esporte popular na Índia, com uma base de fãs apaixonada e dedicada. O torneio "Críquete" é conhecido por sua competição acirrada, jogos emocionantes e momentos memoráveis.

Durante o torneio, várias equipes de críquete competem entre si em uma série de partidas. Os jogos são disputados em estádios de críquete de renome, que são preenchidos com torcedores entusiasmados e vibrantes. Os jogadores exibem suas habilidades técnicas, estratégias inteligentes e trabalho em equipe para alcançar a vitória.

O torneio "Críquete" é uma celebração do esporte e da cultura indiana. Os torcedores se vestem com as cores de suas equipes favoritas, cantam e dançam nas arquibancadas, criando uma atmosfera festiva e animada. Além disso, o torneio também é uma oportunidade para os fãs se conectarem com seus ídolos do críquete e testemunharem momentos históricos.

Os jogadores de críquete que participam do torneio "Críquete" são alguns dos melhores do mundo. Eles são conhecidos por suas habilidades excepcionais, como bater, lançar e pegar a bola. Os jogos são disputados com intensidade e paixão, proporcionando aos espectadores uma experiência esportiva emocionante.

O torneio "Críquete" na Índia é um evento imperdível para os fãs de críquete e entusiastas do esporte. É uma oportunidade única de testemunhar o talento e a dedicação dos jogadores, além de mergulhar na atmosfera vibrante e contagiante do críquete indiano. Se você é um amante do críquete, não perca a chance de participar do torneio "Críquete" e vivenciar a emoção do esporte em sua forma mais pura.